The map above shows the regions in which the tribes are most common. The Temne tribe is located in the middle and northwest of the country. The Mende tribe is south of the Temne tribe and in the southern region of the country. Mende people make up around one third of the population in Sierra Leone. Since both groups are so close, it is common that they have been found in conflict with each other.
“Nature was welcoming, but what happened in its silence intrigued us. The smell of the burning wood, the roasted cassava aroma, the crystal laughter of the children running barefoot on the red dirt without a care in the world -- that was Makump, the land of the Temne people, the place where I first experienced the natural beauty of Sierra Leone” (Smart 74).
It's interesting to discover this blog today. My name is Joel Savage, I am Ghanaian journalist whose family also originate from Sierra Leone, therefore, I lived in Freetown for many years, working at the Red Lion Bakery, KingTom, in the early eighties.